Having spent more than half my life on the Standard American Diet (SAD) of mostly carbohydrates, I managed to survive with my sanity intact. (My wife would likely take issue with that statement.) Now, after 8 years of low-carb eating, I can confirm the benefits it has on all aspects of mental health. I'm also surprised, and grateful, that my body has managed to reverse the damage before I lapsed into diabetes and its related maladies. Carb addiction differs from drug addiction, only in the aspect of availability. Not only are the sugar-laden foods readily and legally available, we are under constant bombardment encouraging consumption.

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“ Before the discovery of insulin in 1921, carbohydrate restriction was the standard treatment for diabetes. Today, however, most health professionals are trained to treat the disease with drugs only.”

It seems obvious that, if your body can’t process carbohydrates and sugary food, a doctor would first ask you to minimize those things that are now poison to you. Instead, they sell you drugs.

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